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IBM Sterling

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Add support to controllerWorkflow script to restart BPs that are in "completed, error" state by individual BP IDs
During system issues, we are unable to bulk restart the BP IDs at a time. This is causing huge support effort in the clean-up process. Existing script doesn't have a solution to restart the BPIDs that are in "completed, error...
PINNED Present Multiple Host Keys - RSA and ECDSA
As with standard Linux servers today Secure Proxy should be able to present Host Keys (more than one) in both RSA and ECDSA formats depending on what type the vendor incoming connection supports. Vendors are demanding Host Keys that are stronger t...

All ideas

Showing 2701

"Read-only" option in the actions menu of Active Transfer for user groups

It would be interesting for our business model to have a "read-only" option in the actions menu of Active Transfer for user groups. This way, they can see what is in the menu but cannot make any changes. There are "read-only" options in various pa...
4 months ago in webMethods Active Transfer 0 Submitted

active Transfer logs had an option to record the actions performed

It would be interesting if the Active Transfer logs had an option to record the actions performed on files and folders in the Web Client, such as copying, pasting, deleting, cloning, or moving to another location. This would allow us to have a rec...
4 months ago in webMethods Active Transfer 0 Submitted

Password Vault support for outgoing Connect Direct for Windows transfers

There is a need to execute Connect Direct transfers securely as a User/Functional ID managed through Password Vault.
almost 2 years ago in Sterling Connect:Direct / Security 4 Future consideration

Automated UNSPSC Classification functionality

Since MRO IO team is working on enhancing the features for catalogue cleansing, can you please consider introducing a feature to automate UNSPSC classification using LLM (AI). This will benefit all your clients who currently do not use UNSPSC in t...
about 1 month ago in MRO Inventory Optimization 0 Under review

The email ID is with a limit of 30 characters, that needs to be modified to allow more than 30 characters

The IBM Sterling deployment using SAML has a limitation at present, where it does not allow users with more than 30 characters in the email ID to login. Whenever the partner users email id or username greater than 30 characters system doesn't allo...
6 months ago in Sterling B2B Integrator / Administration & Configuration 1 Future consideration

Need Corresponding Release of Vulnerabilities Fixed by Recently Released Patches/Fix Packs

There needs to be planned release(s) of known security vulnerabilities that are addressed in recent patches, i.e. through regular channels (subscribed notifications). That seems to be how they've been released for IBM Sterling products in ...
12 months ago in Sterling B2B Integrator / Administration & Configuration 2 Not under consideration

Add Ability to Lockout Accounts, System Wide, When Using SFTP Server Adapter

When an SFTP Lockout Policy is configured, we can specify the number of passwords an account can try before being locked out. This works great with a single SFTP Adapter. However, if multiple adapters are configured with a load balancer in from of...
2 months ago in Sterling B2B Integrator / Security 0 Submitted

Provide QueueWatch Audit data

As part of our effort to more thoroughly track usage in SBI, we need to be able to audit QueueWatch usage. In IBM case TS013772150, we were informed that this functionality does not exist.
over 1 year ago in Sterling B2B Integrator / Security 2 Future consideration

PGP Adapter : Enable support for different Encryption , Signing & Compression Algorithm

The OpenPGP adapter does not support all of the latest set of Encryption , Signing & Compression Algorithm natively. Below are the list of supported values Compression types (-COMALG) : ZLIB Encryption Algorithm (-ENCALG ) : 3DES , RIJNDAEL256...
almost 4 years ago in Sterling Transformation Extender / Adapters 2 Not under consideration

Cryptographic function used for TLS certificates storage should use SHA-384 or SHA-512 or POLY-1305

CA Certificates, Key Certificates and Private Keys are stored in key database file cdkeystore.kdb + STH file. In addition software stores the key database password in .keystore file and passphrase to the private key in .password file in C:\Program...
10 months ago in Sterling Connect:Direct / Security 4 Not under consideration