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IBM Sterling

This portal is to open public enhancement requests for IBM Sterling products and services. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Add support to controllerWorkflow script to restart BPs that are in "completed, error" state by individual BP IDs
During system issues, we are unable to bulk restart the BP IDs at a time. This is causing huge support effort in the clean-up process. Existing script doesn't have a solution to restart the BPIDs that are in "completed, error...
PINNED Present Multiple Host Keys - RSA and ECDSA
As with standard Linux servers today Secure Proxy should be able to present Host Keys (more than one) in both RSA and ECDSA formats depending on what type the vendor incoming connection supports. Vendors are demanding Host Keys that are stronger t...

All ideas

Showing 349

ICAP scanning required for files pulled and pushed by Sterling Integrator

Files that are pushed by external vendors are scanned via ICAP protocol in Sterling Secure Proxy. But the files that are pulled by Sterling Integrator are not scanned as they do not pass through SSP. This leaves a big gap in the scanning feature o...
7 months ago in Sterling Secure Proxy / Security 2 Planned for future release

Audit Trail for in app changes

We are looking for a way to be able to log anytime any changes are made ANYWHERE in SEAS with an entry showing what the previous setting was vs the new setting and who made the change. Currently no matter what amout of debug logging is turned on t...
about 1 year ago in Sterling External Authentication Server / Security 2 Planned for future release

Support for ORacle 23c

A we are upgrading to Oracle 23c we use it for SFG and would like to make sure there is support for this release of Oracle DB.
about 1 month ago in Sterling File Gateway / Technology Stack Support (OS, DB, Protocols) 1 Planned for future release

Archive post processed/ Final delivery payload in the Inflight

In the archive process on SCBN, Currently we are archiving original input data and output data from the translation step. But we are expecting final output data which is delivered to partner after all post-processing steps in the flow instead of t...
over 1 year ago in Sterling B2B Integration SaaS / Document Tracking 1 Planned for future release

Swagger UI for Sterling Secure Proxy APIs

Currently we see that there is no Swagger UI for Sterling Secure Proxy APIs. We need to extensively use the APIs for adding changing any configuration in SSP rather than manually doing the same and with no Swagger UI for SSP making it very difficu...
5 months ago in Sterling Secure Proxy / APIs & SDKs 1 Planned for future release

Ceva Needs Status Messages captured on Inflight with Dynamic DOCTYPE values set from the Process Data

The Ceva Logistics has started new onboardings with JSON via new EDI foundation Project and A huge number of Onboarding are expected and this becomes their new normal. As part of it Ceva needs Status Messages captured on Inflight with Dynamic Send...
4 months ago in Sterling B2B Integration SaaS / Inflight 5 Planned for future release

Enable option to view the code-list entries on Config Hub user interface

Can you please check and add an option where we can view the code-list entries directly on config hub screen instead of downloading csv file or checkout and quick edit options. we have this option on Config Center where we can view the code-list e...
2 months ago in Sterling B2B Integration SaaS / Onboarding 0 Planned for future release

Restrict user access to Monitoring section

We have a monitoring team that should not have access to deployment or any section which will make any changes in the environment. Their job is to only monitor the environment. It would be helpful if we could restrict their access to Monitoring ta...
about 1 month ago in Self Service Tool 1 Planned for future release

Workflow Completion Notificaton

One of my workflow clients is putting the inventory controller at the end of the approval workflow so the controller is aware that approvals have completed. This is highly inefficient as it causes an additional lag in processing time (particularly...
about 2 years ago in MRO Inventory Optimization 1 Planned for future release

Request support for SHA224 hashes to cover entire SHA-2 suite

B2B Advanced Communications currently only supports the following options for digest hash function and signature hash function: MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 The SHA-2 family of hashes specifies support for the following set of hash algorithms: SH...
about 3 years ago in Sterling B2B Integrator / B2B Advanced Communications 0 Planned for future release